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1981 West Berlin










RAF Gatow 1981 where the Choir was hosted

BRITISH BERLIN TATTOO 1981 (Theme - The Princes of Wales)

Musical Staff
Alwyn Humphreys (Musical Director) ~ Huw Rees (Deputy Musical Director) ~  Mair Wyn Jones (Accompanist) ~ Clive Williams (Organist)

photo outside Tabernacle Chapel Morriston en route for Berlin










26th September - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedachtnis-Kirche (Blue Church)

29th September to 4th October - Deutschlandhalle

The last performance was attended by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester

Massed Military Bands, Bugles and Drums, massed Fanfare Trumpeters ~ Morriston Orpheus Choir (Alwyn Humphreys ~ Musical Director) ~ massed concert of harpists (Musical Director ~ Sian Morgan Thomas)

Tattoo Musical Director (Major A J Richards ~ The Life Guards)

Choir Hosts
RAF Gatow

1985 France

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