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Posted 29.10.23

Rest in Peace Wynford

It is with very deep sadness that we report that the Morriston Orpheus Choir’s longest ever serving chorister Wynford John passed away on Friday October 20th.

At 84 years of age Wynford was one of the Orpheus’ oldest serving Choristers, but of even more significance is Wynford’s extraordinary and unparalleled service record with the Choir. He joined as a top tenor, at 19 years old, in April 1959 just 4 days before the choirs 24th birthday and went on to give 64 years of unbroken dedicated service to The Morriston Orpheus Choir.

Wynford was one of the kindest and indeed most respected of choristers in the choir, who was always on hand to welcome any new chorister into the ranks. His wealth of knowledge of the Choir was exceptional having sung under all 8 musical directors in the choirs history from our Founder Conductor Ivor Sims through to our current Conductor Conal Bembridge - Sayers.

Wynford also participated in every tour the Morriston Orpheus Choir has ever carried out and in his words alone states “I’ve been able to travel the world with the Choir”

From Eisteddfod to tours, to recordings to concerts the world over, Wynford truly has “Done it all”

You can read more about Wynford's time with the Orpheus in two articles on this website. The first commemorating his 50 years service:

Wynford's 50 year Milestone

The second, which contains an interview with Wynford recalling his 60 years with the Choir.

Sixty Years of Song with the Orpheus.

All connected with the Morriston Orpheus Choir extend our very deepest sympathy to Wynford’s wife Alma who has also been such a huge and influential part of the Morriston Orpheus Choir, and to his children and wider family at this deeply sad time.

Rest in Peace Wynford and thank you for your dedication over so many years.

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